Project Admin

Project Admin


Today, 11.05.2021, the first online training session was held, organized by our Spanish partner: FASE.

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Our Spanish partner – FASE supported by its Azafran culinary school presented the results of the project during the first from a long-time face-to-face event that was held on 19th of May 2021.

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On 18th and 19th of May 2021, two more training sessions were held as part of the piloting of the new qualification.

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The Participating trainees were able to “visit” online Mr. Albino's seafood nurseries, some of the most popular and consumed seafood in the city of Póvoa de Varzim, also know some traditions related to this fishing community.


The second online training session related to Gastronomic Tourism and Mediterranean cuisine was provided today by our partners from Spain: FASE and was welcomed by the trainees with great interest.

BG session 1

The three-day online training session in Bulgaria, during which Chef Hugues Boutin and Chef Stanislav Kubarev introduced the participants in the pilot course to the peculiarities of artisan food and cooking techniques.


June began with a training session on "Creativity in the Culinary Arts", presented by the Turkish partner - MEM.

Tuesday, 08 June 2021 19:58

French cuisine!


On June 7 and 8, 2021, the participants in the pilot course "visited" virtually France – one of the most popular gastronomy destinations

Italy 1

It was quite a busy day for our trainees since they had two training sessions online today.

Проект CULINART търси мотивирани хора за включване в международно обучение

The online piloting of the newly developed VET qualification for “Chef” which took place between May 11th and June 10th, 2021 is completed.

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