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Thursday, 28 February 2019 08:13

Focus group discussions in Portugal

In Prtugal the three Focous Group Discussion were organized and conducted by Proandi in February 2019. A total of 87 participants were present in these three events, among them: representatives of Teaching and Vocational Educational Training entities, hospitality, tourism and catering companies, trainers/teachers of secondary level, higher education institutions, hospitality schools, and representatives of national entities from the delegations of the Institute of Employment and Vocational Training, trainees from the Cooking/Pastry and Catering areas, consultants and other interested parties. The effectiveness and dynamics of the events were ensured through the involvement of European expert in the field - Carlos Ribeiro. The events took place at the Hotel Axis Vermar, in Póvoa de Varzim, and had the collaboration of the other Portuguese partner -ADRAT.

Friday, 28 June 2019 12:24

The EU priorities for VET to 2020

"At a time when 40 % of Europe’s employers can’t find people with the right skills to fill their vacancies, vocational skills have become one of the best ways to mould one’s career. VET should become a first choice for the young and allow adults to continuously upskill and reskill in line with the needs of the labour market.” 
Marianne Thyssen 
Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility 
Thursday, 27 June 2019 07:18

Interviews with International Chefs

Roberto Baquero is a Spanish International chef who stresses the importance of a good training but also the influence of the work based learning. He emphasizes that the most important thing a chef should do, in addition to knowing how to cook, is to know how to communicate with his team, create a calm and stable environment, in spite of being in a very stressful profession.

The importance of CULINART Project is in creating an international VET training in the Culinary Arts, the communication and interchange among all the professionals of this field is seen as being very enriching and the need of continuous training in this field is essential.

Sunday, 09 June 2019 09:56



Today we are interviewing Maite Fernandez, from Zaragoza, Spain. As for her studies, she has the High Technician Degree in the Restoration Sector and the University Degree for Teaching, so she combines cooking and teaching. As for her achievements, after achieving her studies she worked 2 years as a cook and afterwards was promoted as chef de cuisine, position that she had been keeping for 8 years now. But all the while she also imparted classes related to cooking and kept training herself in order to be updated on every new culinary technique. As for hobbies, hers is painting! Whenever she has a little time to dedicate to it, she enjoys painting!

A total of 18 such discussions will be held in February and March 2019, three events per each of the six partner countries.

The aim of the seminars is scrutinizing business’ assessment of the existing VET qualifications in culinary arts in each country through an open discussion and to survey the skill requirements towards the culinary professionals.

Many of those interested in becoming a chef, or pursuing some type of culinary career, become interested in food, and perhaps develop a passion for cooking, at home. Then, they decide to enroll in cooking school, and pursue their dream job: Becoming the head chef at a big-time restaurant!

Some interesting research on VET in Europe by CEDEFOP

A culinary artist is someone educated in the preparation of food for restaurants. As a professional, he is more commonly referred to as a chef or head cook. Some achieve this level with a diploma and hands-on training, but many chefs complete two- or four-year culinary programs.

In Springer you can read Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training witch is with open access. The title of that specific material is "Supporting change in VET: teachers’ professional development and ECVET learner mobility".

Thursday, 03 January 2019 14:04

Vocational education and training in Bulgaria

Bulgaria has strong youth education traditions. The share of those with upper secondary and post-secondary education is higher than in the EU; the share with low or no qualification is below EU average.

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