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Wednesday, 23 June 2021 10:08


Wednesday, 23 June 2021 14:40

Qualification profile

Monday, 27 January 2020 10:25

What is waiting for our pilot trainees

What is waiting for our pilot trainees

For all our trainees who proved to be motivated and brave enough to become part of the piloting we have prepared an exiting learning experience all across Europe:

 Jenn de la Vega recalls an assignment from her seventh-grade teacher, Mr. Hill, that foreshadowed her future as a recipe developer. Mr. Hill told his class to write exact instructions on how to make a sandwich. If he could make the sandwich correctly, he would eat it. If he made it incorrectly, the kids had to eat their own creations.

While most of the class dreamed up combinations like anchovies and peanut butter, de la Vega strived for simplicity and accuracy. “It was a ham and Swiss sandwich with mayo on one side and mustard on the other,” she says. “It helped me understand writing for recipes.”

For every celebrity chef, television personality and cookbook author, there are many more professionals working behind the scenes to develop and perfect recipes. Recipe development involves researching dishes and techniques, shopping for ingredients, testing the dish or drink multiple times, recording every step and writing clear instructions others can easily follow.

If you’re a curious home cook or bartender with an eye for detail, there are lots of opportunities. To help you break into the field, six pros tell us their paths to careers in recipe development.

Jenn de la Vega recalls an assignment from her seventh-grade teacher, Mr. Hill, that foreshadowed her future as a recipe developer. Mr. Hill told his class to write exact instructions on how to make a sandwich. If he could make the sandwich correctly, he would eat it. If he made it incorrectly, the kids had to eat their own creations.

While most of the class dreamed up combinations like anchovies and peanut butter, de la Vega strived for simplicity and accuracy. “It was a ham and Swiss sandwich with mayo on one side and mustard on the other,” she says. “It helped me understand writing for recipes.”

For every celebrity chef, television personality and cookbook author, there are many more professionals working behind the scenes to develop and perfect recipes. Recipe development involves researching dishes and techniques, shopping for ingredients, testing the dish or drink multiple times, recording every step and writing clear instructions others can easily follow.

If you’re a curious home cook or bartender with an eye for detail, there are lots of opportunities. To help you break into the field, six pros tell us their paths to careers in recipe development.

LEFT: Fruit Carpaccio. RIGHT: Kara Mickelson / Photos by Shane O'Donnell

An Event Planner Changes Course

Kara Mickelson was a corporate event planner for Toyota Motor Sales, a job for which she oversaw client trips to five-star resorts in far-flung destinations like Bora Bora. However, in 2007, Mickelson decided to nurture her love of cooking and enrolled in the now-shuttered Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts in Pasadena, California.

While she originally intended to focus on food styling, her English degree, along with culinary school and the production skills she accumulated as an event planner, nudged Mickelson to recipe development. She began a new career with Southbay magazine and now develops for cookbooks, including the upcoming Friends: The Official Central Perk Cookbook.





The second meeting of the project partner organizations was held on April 9-10th, 2019, in Zaragoza, Spain.

Friday, 01 March 2019 09:36

Focus group discussions in Turkey

Three focus group discussions were held in Turkey, dated 12,19 and 26 of February 2019. The events were hosted by the Turkish partner Mugla Provincial Directorate of National Education (MEM).

Monday, 01 April 2019 09:18

Focus group discussions in Italy

The Chefs say that: "While they are still attending school, students should have more opportunities to interact with the world of work".

"Chef: he is a person who has all-round skills and knowledge about everything in the kitchen".

Friday, 29 March 2019 08:59

Focus group discussions in France

Three focus groups have been organised in France to evaluate the needs of the culinary sector in terms of job profiles and competences.
They have been organised in vocational high schools specialised in hospitality and culinary arts. All restaurant managers and chef de cuisine from two employment areas (LePuy-en-Velay and Brioude) have been invited together with the main union of employers for hospitality and restaurants, training funds in charge of hospitality and catering, employment agency and the inspector of Education.

Monday, 15 April 2019 08:42

Focus group discussions in Spain

In Spain FASE organized two focus groups discussions involving a total of 75 participants. Theprofile of the engaged participantswas varied: owners of culinary arts business, VET trainers in hospitality, trainees in hospitality, culinary art critics in the media,  researchers in agrifood, public workers in the regional service for employment, food producers, representatives of professional association of restaurants.

Friday, 15 March 2019 08:17

Focus group discussions in Bulgaria

Three Focus Group Discussions were held in Bulgaria in February and March – 1 in Dobrich and 2 in Varna organized by the project Coordinator – International College.
The purpose of the seminars was in open discussion with the participants to explore the specific needs of tourism and hospitality businesses and to define their requirements towards the professionals working in the culinary arts field. As a result from the events, were formulated concrete suggestions were formulated regarding the specific knowledge, skills and competences that the modern chef should posses in order to meet the expectations of the employers and to keep up with the latest trends and innovations in gastronomy.

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