Focus group discussions in Turkey

01 March 2019 News 1183 Views
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Three focus group discussions were held in Turkey, dated 12,19 and 26 of February 2019. The events were hosted by the Turkish partner Mugla Provincial Directorate of National Education (MEM).

A total of 83 representatives of Mugla Sıtkı Kocman University, Bodrum, Marmaris and Mentese Vocational Education Centres, three pilot schools from Bodrum, Marmaris and Mentese, Union of Artisans Chambers of Craftsmen from Bodrum, Marmaris and Mentese and six hotels were attending the discussions. The wide representation of stakeholder organizations’ participation in the event was ensured in order to achieve a deeper and more comprehensive examination and analysis of the situation in vocational education and training in the field of culinary arts in Turkey.
The focus of the events became the recent developments in the field of hospitality, culinary and food services, as well as the sector's participation in the development of profession and the future specialists, the national and European qualifications in culinary arts, and the education policies.
Both the professionals and experts in the industry and the education system and the young people involved in education and training in the culinary arts took active part in the discussions and shared their vision about the need of further development of the VET according to the identified new trends and demands in the sector and outlined the steps to improve the vocational qualifications in culinary arts.