Project Admin

Project Admin

постер 3

All interested representatives are invited to join the event that will be in Varna.

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We are really inspired by today's event, which was an attractive center for the exchange of experience and knowledge about the trends in the restaurant and tourism industry. Key elemetnts of the practical world of cooking and culinary arts are united in the curriculum for the international qualification "Chef" developed under the project.

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The National Stakeholders Mobilization Event in Bulgaria was held on 17th of June. It was organized by the  Bulgarian partners – International College Ltd. and Varna University of Management and was focused on the presentation of the new-developed joint VET qualification for the occupation “Chef”.


A National Conference for promoting the results from the CULINART project will be held on June 25th in Bulgaria.


A National Conference for promoting the results from the CULINART project will be held on June 25th in Bulgaria.

Wednesday, 23 June 2021 16:28

Skills to find a job in the culinary sector


On Tuesday, 22nd of June 2021, a National conference was held to present CULINART in Italy.

National Conference.2

Today, 24th of June, in Turkey, our partner Muğla Provincial Directorate for National Education was the host of the national conference for disseminating the results for CULINART.

Постер 2The purpose of the event is to present the results achieved within the CULINART project and the developed products...

Постер 2The purpose of the event is to present the results achieved within the CULINART project and the developed products...


On June 28, Proandi held the online National Conference to present the CULINART project, the activites and outputs developed and the results achieved with the constraints caused by the pandemic.

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