Presentation session was deliverеd by the Portuguese partner Proandi to the Institute of Employment and Training of Portugal (IEPF)
In the last years, the professions in the culinary arts and gastronomy fields become very popular, probably also thanks to the technologies that allow us to peek into the professional kitchen and watch these master chefs do their magic.
The CULINART project is implemented in the period 01.10.2018-30.06.2021 by a consortium of 9 organizations, with a leading partner International College - Dobrich.
© Copyright 2018
Project Ref. No. 597848-EPP-1-2018-1-BG-EPPKA3-VET-JQ
CULINART: Designing a Joint VET Qualification in Culinary Arts and Pilot Pathways for Continuing Training is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
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