A national event for raising the awareness and mobilization of the stakeholders was held in Varna, Bulgaria on 17th of June 2021

18 June 2021 Events-current 762 Views
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The National Stakeholders Mobilization Event in Bulgaria was held on 17th of June. It was organized by the  Bulgarian partners – International College Ltd. and Varna University of Management and was focused on the presentation of the new-developed joint VET qualification for the occupation “Chef”.

The new trends in tourism, hospitality and catering were shared by Mr. Pavlin Kosev, Chairman of the Varna Association of Restaurants and Hoteliers /VARH/.

In the form of a presentation and culinary demonstration on the topic "Artisan food and technology", the Program Director of the Culinary Arts Institute at Varna Unieversity of Management - Chef Hugh Boutin, introduced the participants to the atmosphere of the pilot training held online with the group of international participants in the testing phase of the Chef qualification coming from from 6 different countries.

Born in Canada and able to work worldwide, he shared his admiration by the Bulgarian traditional techniques and ways of cooking and presented his own version of a traditional Bulgarian dish served in a modern way.

Success stories and how they chose the path of their career were shared by the invited established professionals from the industry. The latest innovations in gastronomy and culinary arts were discussed, as well as the opportunities for further training of students in this field.

The event was attended by representatives of professional and branch organizations of employees in the restaurant and culinary sector, VET providers, central and local institutions and regulatory bodies involved in the development, accreditation and control of professional qualifications, established professionals in the industry and others stakeholders.


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