Focus group discussions in Spain

15 April 2019 News 1350 Views
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In Spain FASE organized two focus groups discussions involving a total of 75 participants. Theprofile of the engaged participantswas varied: owners of culinary arts business, VET trainers in hospitality, trainees in hospitality, culinary art critics in the media,  researchers in agrifood, public workers in the regional service for employment, food producers, representatives of professional association of restaurants.

Thecontent of theprogramwas:

  1. Round table on the new competencies of the chef of the 21st century
    Do you want to be a good chef? What competencies should you have?
  2. Cooperation between education and culinary bussiness in the hospitality sector
  3. Development of trends in tourism and culinary arts: challenges for companies in the sector. Innovative initiatives in progress

The competence and training needs according to the employers identified were very specific. Except for the basic teorethical knowledge (about products, hygene, safety, etc.) and technical skills that each cook should posses to work in the kitchen, the results from the survey outlined also the following knowledge and skills that should be acquired by cooks to be able to aim for the position of chef:

  • New kitchen technologies
  • International Gastronomy
  • Energy saving
  • New forms of restoration
  • Recycling and environment
  • Gastronomic trends
  • Quality management

The participants also highlighted the importance for high level kitchen staff to have soft skills: creativity; achieve goals; time management; teamwork and collaboration; respect to rules; conflict management; communication-expression; control of personal relationships; stress management. Some key trends for the following years were identified such as: Sustainability and health;  specific diets and /or vegan restaurants; digital experiences to choose the food or during the meal; gastronomic products and experiences from other cultures;the franchises, etc.