Focus group discussions in Portugal

28 February 2019 News 1171 Views
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In Prtugal the three Focous Group Discussion were organized and conducted by Proandi in February 2019. A total of 87 participants were present in these three events, among them: representatives of Teaching and Vocational Educational Training entities, hospitality, tourism and catering companies, trainers/teachers of secondary level, higher education institutions, hospitality schools, and representatives of national entities from the delegations of the Institute of Employment and Vocational Training, trainees from the Cooking/Pastry and Catering areas, consultants and other interested parties. The effectiveness and dynamics of the events were ensured through the involvement of European expert in the field - Carlos Ribeiro. The events took place at the Hotel Axis Vermar, in Póvoa de Varzim, and had the collaboration of the other Portuguese partner -ADRAT.

The participants diversity and the active participation of all in the sessions originated a set of issues of which the following stand out:
- the prospective approach to the adaptive dimension of the Curriculum which imposes an essential question for the actors of the process of conceptualization and curriculum development: but for what system of qualification should this curriculum be thought of? What references can we mobilize to anticipate the qualification systems of the future? How can we take into account in this co-construction operation the variables assigned by technology, the development of innovative and consensual pedagogical processes and also the combination of sub-systems in process of permeabilization and interaction between them?
- the flexibility of the training system and the indispensable break with the excessive weight of the school model;
- the diversity of learning spaces to the detriment of the binomial training center / stage;
- the inevitable mobilization of online training resources and distance learning;
- the reformulation of the role of the trainer to a logic facilitator, animator of learning.
After two days of intense and productive work the recommendations for various fields under analysis were significant and for the field of curricular innovation can be highlighted:
• training systems based on co-responsibility;
• associate formative processes with the life priorities of each trainee;
• to focus the pedagogical strategy on the mechanisms of self-confidence;
• introduce into the training process the dimension of uncertainty and anticipation for the progression of the profession itself;
• valuation at the center of evaluation processes;
• to design the learning dynamics in order to respect the different learning rhythms.