A cycle of Focus Group Discussions starts in February 2019 in all partner countries under CULINART project

08 February 2019 News 1358 Views
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A total of 18 such discussions will be held in February and March 2019, three events per each of the six partner countries.

The aim of the seminars is scrutinizing business’ assessment of the existing VET qualifications in culinary arts in each country through an open discussion and to survey the skill requirements towards the culinary professionals.

As a result of the forums suggestions will be summarized describing the specific knowledge, skills and competences that the modern “chef” should acquire in order to meet the expectations of employers and to keep up with the latest trends and innovations in gastronomy.

All interested representatives of the following groups are invited:

Sectoral, umbrella and professional organisations in hospitality & tourism, VET providers preparing trainees for the foodservice and catering sector, public authorities – policy and decision makers - responsible for economy&business, established professionals and and entrepreneurs in the hospitality sector, trainers in cooking and culinary arts, and other stakeholders. 

You can track the dates for the upcoming events in your country HERE