The planned partners’ meeting in March to be held in Portugal is canceled

06 March 2020 News 496 Views
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The planned partnership meeting in Portugal did not take place due to the complicated situation related to the COVID-19 outbreak throughout Europe.

Here is our new project bulletin issue 4

31 January 2020 News 510 Views

bulletin 4

Here is our new project bulletin issue 4


What is waiting for our pilot trainees

27 January 2020 News 598 Views

What is waiting for our pilot trainees

For all our trainees who proved to be motivated and brave enough to become part of the piloting we have prepared an exiting learning experience all across Europe:


Project CULINART is searching for motivated people to be involved in an international training

01 December 2019 News 1130 Views

Are you interesting of training in culinary arts abroad?

Do you want to be amongst the first that will pilot the new VET qualification for Chef?

 If yes - the CULINART pilot training is exactly what you are looking for!

Project CULINART is searching for motivated people from Bulgaria, Spain, Italy, France, Portugal and Turkey to be involved in an international training that will be held in the 6 different countries.


The 4th Steering and Evaluation Committee and Expert Workshop was held in Reggio Emilia, Italy

18 November 2019 News 1068 Views

The fourth meeting of the project partner organizations was held on 13th and 14th of November, 2019, in Reggio Emilia, Italy. The host of the meeting was the Italian partner - ISTITUTO FORMAZIONE OPERATORI AZIENDALI /IFOA/.


CULINART Needs Assessment Report (NAR)

15 October 2019 News 536 Views

NAR en

During the last few months CULINART partners were working on the setting of strategic goals for the development of the Joint VET Qualification in Culinary Arts.

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