After some time on standby due to COVID-19, an online meeting of the Steering and Evaluation Committee for the CULINART project was held on 13h of April.
Despite all our efforts to make the pilot learners physically mobile, in the end, the situation on a global scale does not allow this to happen.
In September, we gathered again to agree on a specific plan for our next activities and tasks.
As a consequence of the measures taken to prevent COVID19 disease, our consortium had to postpone the pilot training across Europe. Pandemic paused society activities on so many levels including exchange of experience and knowledge in face-to-face settings.
As the obstacles encountered in the implementation of the project were too many and insurmountable, given the pandemic situation, the CULINART project partners prepared and submitted to the European Executive Agency for Education and Culture /EAECA/ a request to extend the contract by 9 months.
© Copyright 2018
Project Ref. No. 597848-EPP-1-2018-1-BG-EPPKA3-VET-JQ
CULINART: Designing a Joint VET Qualification in Culinary Arts and Pilot Pathways for Continuing Training is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
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