A partners’ meeting was held on April 13, 2021

13 April 2021 News 632 Views
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After some time on standby due to COVID-19, an online meeting of the Steering and Evaluation Committee for the CULINART project was held on 13h of April.

During these months when the impossibility of traveling became the main obstacle for providing experimental training courses to check the applicability of the new “Chef” Qualification, all partners waited for new developments and better progress about the pandemic situation in their countries.

The project partners met online to discuss the continuity of this project, which is going to be concluded at the end of June 2021. Following this, the partners discussed the transition to online piloting in the period April-June 2021. The pilot training will take place entirely in a virtual environment, using online educational tools and methods such as the Moodle platform. All partners stated their readiness to prepare the necessary educational and training materials in electronic format and share them in the virtual environment.

The meeting also discussed the implementation of other events planned within the project. Since there is no possibility of holding face-to-face meetings or events, all the next activities will be carried out at distance, using digital resources.