The 4th Steering and Evaluation Committee and Expert Workshop was held in Reggio Emilia, Italy

18 November 2019 News 1152 Views
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The fourth meeting of the project partner organizations was held on 13th and 14th of November, 2019, in Reggio Emilia, Italy. The host of the meeting was the Italian partner - ISTITUTO FORMAZIONE OPERATORI AZIENDALI /IFOA/.

The first part of the workshop was dedicated to the project management overview, revision and evaluation of the results achieved so far as well as discussing of the dissemination activities and reporting of the quality evaluation activities following the Quality assurance and evaluation plan. During the second part of the meeting the partners discussed the possible adjustments in the Detailed qualification profile for “Chef”. They also talked about the Designing of a joint VET qualification for the occupation “Chef” in the form of an workshop with a discussions of the curriculum, assessment standards and so on. Another important topic of the meeting was the upcoming Piloting of a key modules from the qualification in real terms. The workshop was closed with a planning of the next steps in the project implementation and setting goals and deadlines for the next outputs.