Third meeting of partners and experts of the CULINART project, France

07 October 2019 News 1205 Views
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In July 2019 the international partners met in France in Le Puy-en-Velay, hosted by the partner GRETA du Velay to discuss and approve the structure of the new VET qualification for Chef. The working group took into account the country specifics and variations of the existing training offers and requirements towards the education and training for cooks and chefs in the partner countries and thus came up with a common qualification profile for the occupation of Chef that was agreed with all the partner organisations.

It is interesting to share that a great matter of discussions between the experts was the appropriate European Qualification Framework (EQF) level that the qualification should address. Since in the different countries there are various options to gain qualification in cooking or even in culinary arts (and they are resulting in different training schemes that refers to EQF from 2 to 6), the partners suggested that the most often level demanded from the business from the professional for executing the role of Chef is EQF 5.
Having this in mind and also considering the ESCO definition for Chefs as culinary professionals with a flair for creativity and innovation to provide a unique gastronomic experience, the partners agreed that the joint VET qualification will be targeted at EQF 5.
This way the qualification will prepare professionals in culinary arts who will have a higher level of autonomy, responsibility and theoretical knowledge (especially interdisciplinary) than the most popular vocational qualification “cook” and at the same time to give to the last the opportunity to upgrade their qualification to associate professionals.
In the countries where EQF 5 is inapplicable the minimum targeted level will be EQF 4. The qualification will be adjusted to the special terms and requirements accordingly. Further pathways to and from the qualification will be developed in addition in the frame of LLL guidance and flexible pathways for the learners.