CULINART Needs Assessment Report (NAR)

15 October 2019 News 622 Views
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During the last few months CULINART partners were working on the setting of strategic goals for the development of the Joint VET Qualification in Culinary Arts.

Our experts conducted a survey aimed at outlining the current situation regarding the VET offers in the partners countries and to deternmine the skills requirements of the business towards the culinary professions. Next step was to map out the career development prospects following the development trends of foodservice sector and culinary business.

To that end a series of focus group discussions were held in each partner country to scrutinize the business’ assessment of the existing VET qualifications in culinary arts. Over 450 representatives of the culinary and restauranteur sector, training providers, sectoral and professional organisations, experts and other stakeholders were accessed in order to gather the real-life situation in the partner countries.

Finally, based on the results of these activities, a Needs Assessment Report (NAR) was developed with the conclusions regarding current and prospective occupational profiles and occupational standards in culinary arts and gastronomy.