VET Need Assessment Report (NAR)

16 August 2019 Resourses 2712 Views
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The main objective of the report was to identify the major skill needs in culinary arts and the resulting improvement implications for the VET qualifications in the project countries.

The analysis and the assessment of the needs for a new qualification in the field of the hospitality sector and the culinary arts in particular is carried out in the territory of each of the CULINART partner countries: Bulgaria, Spain, France, Italy, Portugal and Turkey. Accordingly this report reflects the results of an in-depth research and analysis of the country-specific needs of competences regarding the current VET training offers and business’ requirements towards the culinary professionals with view of developing a higher-level joint VET qualification in culinary arts and the relevant ESCO occupational profiles.

The analysis had the task to answer to the following main questions:

The NAR will be based on a SWOT analysis of the outcomes of activities 1 and 2 and within response to the main questions:

-       Are the skill gaps related to specific skills or whole job roles?

-       Are the current qualifications suited to progression to work-focused higher education and LLL?

-       Are the main challenges to business addressed by the current training offer?

As a result the content of the NAR covers: the conclusions regarding current and prospective occupational profiles and occupational standards in culinary arts and gastronomy; career pathways; competence needs (skills, knowledge and attitude) that are not covered by current VET offer in the partner countries; business development trends and general prospects for the sector, etc.

The collected data, together with the conclusions and recommendations, will provide the necessary input resources for developing a joint labour-market relevant VET qualification in culinary arts, in compliance with the main goal of the CULINART project.

Click HERE to read the NAR

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