L’interview du chef Luis Angel Vicente Zaldivar

3 février 2020 Blog 1018 Views
L’interview du chef Luis Angel Vicente Zaldivar a été réalisée par GastroAlianza. Après plus de 30 ans en cuisine, propriétaire d'un restaurant et conférencier, il partage quelques conseils sur les compétences et les caractéristiques du chef moderne.

Le chef invité est José Faria du Restaurant 505

3 février 2020 Blog 1016 Views
Le chef invité est José Faria du Restaurant 505 à Póvoa de Varzim, au Portugal, et son menu est la signature de Vítor Matos, chef étoilé Michelin.

Interviews with International Chefs

27 juin 2019 Blog 8589 Views
Roberto Baquero is a Spanish International chef who stresses the importance of a good training but also the influence of the work based learning. He emphasizes that the most important thing a chef should do, in addition to knowing how to cook, is to know how to communicate with his…

Should You Work in a Restaurant Before Attending Culinary School?

11 janvier 2019 Blog 10936 Views
Many of those interested in becoming a chef, or pursuing some type of culinary career, become interested in food, and perhaps develop a passion for cooking, at home. Then, they decide to enroll in cooking school, and pursue their dream job: Becoming the head chef at a big-time restaurant!

The changing nature and role of vocational education and training in Europe

10 janvier 2019 Blog 11470 Views
Some interesting research on VET in Europe by CEDEFOP

Advantages and Disadvanages of Being a Culinary Artist

9 janvier 2019 Blog 14177 Views
A culinary artist is someone educated in the preparation of food for restaurants. As a professional, he is more commonly referred to as a chef or head cook. Some achieve this level with a diploma and hands-on training, but many chefs complete two- or four-year culinary programs.

Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training

8 janvier 2019 Blog 15063 Views
In Springer you can read Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training witch is with open access. The title of that specific material is "Supporting change in VET: teachers’ professional development and ECVET learner mobility".

ECVET Magazine issue 33 is online!

28 décembre 2018 Blog 18995 Views
The 33rd issue of the ECVET Magazine is now online.