IFOA is a non-profit Training and Employment Agency working to maintain and strengthen the link between people and companies since 1971.

IFOA is appointed since 1999 as a national VET center, with 10 sites all over Italy. Standing out as one of the leading private training centers in Italy, IFOA delivers traditional and b-learning post- diploma (EQF 5) and post-graduate (EQF 6 and 7) programs for young unemployed, as well as lifelong training, consultancy and technical assistance to individuals, businesses and public bodies in the areas - Information & Communication Technology; Marketing Sales and Internationalisation; Human Resources Organisation and Development; Administration Control and Finance; Operations and Organisation of Company Processes; Management Skills; Environment and Energy Saving; Safety at work; Large-scale retail; Food processing and Tourism. Since its creation IFOA has trained over 36000 people as the rate of employment achieved is 89,7%.

Since 1993, IFOA has been working in EU projects on curricula development, competences definition, assessment and recognition, lifelong learning, employability, mobility, ICT, etc. Moreover, IFOA is in the network of the Italian and EU Chambers of Commerce, and member of the European network EfVET. IFOA is also head office of ULIXES, a EEIG involving training agencies, colleges, business schools and Chambers of Commerce in 10 EU member States.


Via Gianna Giglioli Valle, 11 42124 Reggio Emilia


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The Greta du Velay supported by Lycée C. et A. Dupuy is a public training organisation gathering 21 educational institutions such as secondary schools, high schools and colleges under the wing of the Ministry of Education. Certified ISO 9001, it exists since 1975. It employs 4 training advisers and 40 trainers delivering around 300.000 training hours per year, welcoming 2000-2500 learners. It is active in the Velay, a rural area in the South of the Auvergne Region. Greta supports small and medium companies in their learning processes : analysis of training needs, delivery of training, evaluation and follow up. Greta is also active for social and vocational inclusion of unemployed, migrants and young adults, through the development of key competences, the preparation to employment and to a variety of certificates and diplomas in many sectors. Thanks to the specialised trainers, courses are provided in various areas such as hospitality, industry, construction, tertiary sector in response to the local needs. The Greta works in strong partnership with companies, chambers, training funds, sectorial organisations as well as non profit associations and public organisations related to education, training and vocational integration. It is member of the Greta network covering the whole French territory with more than 4000 training locations, making it the biggest training provider in France. The Greta du Velay has a specific transversal department for managing innovative projects dedicated to the improvement of learning.


Proandi is a VET provider and an active and experienced entity in the field of vocational education and training in north of Portugal, in Póvoa de Varzim city. It was born in 2001 as external Occupational Health and Safety services provider. In 2006, it starts its activities in the market as a provider of Food Safety consulting in order to comply with the new legislation about hygiene and safety rules at workplace. Proandi is accredited by DGERT (Directorate-General for Employment and Labor Relations) in 15 areas of education and training since 2008 as an external entity of Institute for Employment and Vocational.

Proandi works with projects financed by the SFE and another programs in the VET, for youth and adults people (employed, unemployed) in areas considered necessary for socio-economic development in the face of market needs, as restaurant and bar, cook and pastry, multimedia, ICT, health, hair stylist.


31 de Janeiro 108, 4490-498 Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal


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Muğla Provincial Directorate for National Education, is subordinate, directly, to the Ministry of National Education and is the sole public body with the powers of execution and inspection of educational processes and regulations. All of the schools of the province Muğla are linked to the directorate. The main function of the directorate is to ensure the running of educational processes and regulations, smoothly, as desired by the ministry as well as inspect, take the required steps for present or future challenges. In this sense, it can arrange or partake in any activity to contribute to education and training.

The directorate keeps the progress with the aim of realizing a new system adorned with innovative techniques/methods, increasing the quality of education, internalizing and disseminating that quality within all institutions. Project-based working is an indispensable part of the directorate to achieve these aims. According to the basic policy of the directorate, all the topics regarding education/educational activities should be regarded as a project. That’s why the directorate gives importance to the ArGe (Search-Develop Department) and analyzes all the activities of this department systematically and continuously. It has been extremely important to grow up a new generation thinking solution-based, having high self-esteem, caring cultural values.



Emirbeyazıt Mahallesi, Baki Ünlü Cd. No:12, 48000 Menteşe/Muğla, Turkey


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Gastro Alianza brings together more than 40 innovative companies and experts from sectors related to some of the aspects of gastronomy and food. Gastro Alianza is an association that promotes and develops activities for the improvement of gastronomy and culinary tourism and other materials that relate to gastronomy in different aspects, disseminates national and international gastronomy and traditional cuisine, and promote innovation, knowledge and knowhow, proposing and implementing promotion, commercialization and marketing of products and services, especially using new communication technologies and other innovative forms of promotion. The alliance promotes the competitiveness of companies and organizations relate to gastronomy and culinary tourism, for improving the excellence of individuals and entities, particularly by promoting the meeting and collaboration between them and the quality training.

Gastro Alianza strives to develop new, innovative and multidisciplinary approaches to teaching and learning, stimulate entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial skills of higher education teaching staff and company staff and facilitate the exchange, flow and co-creation of knowledge.


José Echegaray, 12, 50010 Zaragoza, Spain


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FASE.net is a training consultancy which since 1996 has stood for quality and innovation in vocational, occupational and continuous training by offering courses in classroom, distance-learning and mixed modes as well as by development and publishing of new solutions for learning and teaching. As a training center, FASE gives priority to the need for resource optimization, process improvement and satisfaction of employees, suppliers and customers. FASE offers more than 100 training courses and 11 official vocational grades for adults in the field of Hospitality & Tourism, customer attention, e-marketing, community management, social competences, leadership, graphic design and foreign languages.

The institution has designed, managed and successfully implemented more than 50 European Innovation Projects for lifelong learning, under the European Commission program, with more than 400 European entities. This experience has allowed FASE to be permanently at the forefront in the field of training and education.

Another demonstration of the institution’s excellent work is the e-learning platform “e-SUMO” developed by FASE that has won the National Award for Excellence in Corporate e-learning 2.011 awarded by APEL (National Association of E-learning Providers).


San Antonio Abad 21 - 50010 Zaragoza


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Varna University of Management (VUM – former International University College – Albena) is an international business school located in Bulgaria where students from over 40 countries receive education in Business and Marketing, IT, Computer Sciences, Tourism and Hospitality Management and Gastronomy and Culinary Arts.

VUM offers Bachelor’s and Master’s double-degree programmes, taught entirely in English, in cooperation with universities in countries such as the UK, Switzerland, France, Norway and the Netherlands, as curricula are aligned with the partnering institutions and students have to meet up the same high standards in examinations in order to graduate with degrees from both - the partnering universities and VUM.

The university extends across the globe through powerful partnerships with international universities such as Cardiff Metropolitan University and University College of Birmingham, United Kingdom; Stenden University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands; Business and Hotel Management School, Switzerland and numerous collaborative efforts with more than 1 renowned universities elsewhere in Europe, as well as in Asia and South America.

The university ranks high for student internships and international orientation on a European level, and ranks as the number one Bulgarian business school according to prestigious educational rankings such as U-multirank, Best-masters, Eduniversal. VUM maintains excellent relationships with businesses and can boast of a long-standing success in providing its students with opportunities for work placement experience with top employers within the USA, UK, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, and many more.

University’s reputation for scientific achievements around the world also continues to grow. VUM is known as the Bulgarian university with the highest number of publications and references within social sciences according to Social Science Research Network (SSRN). Varna University of Management is also recognized for its reinforcing international influence by the Palme of Excellence Classification for Eastern Europe. Its reach extends into the European industry through a large number of high-profile connections including partnerships with leading companies in the fields of Software Development, Business Process Outsourcing, Marketing, Finance, etc.
Varna University of Management is also a member of AACSB International—The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business - association of educational institutions, business, not-for-profit, and government organizations devoted to the advancement of higher education in business.


13A Oborishte Street, 9000 Varna




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International College Ltd. is a reputable institution for youth and adult education. It uses innovative teaching methods and information technologies, based on established experience and traditions. IC is a leading VET provider for the tourism and culinary sectors in Bulgaria, with in-depth expertise and experience in curricula development, skills recognition, elaboration of methodological guidelines and development of study paths across VET and higher education, as throughout the years the institution has educated over 6000 trainees in Restauranteering, Food&Beverage and Culinary Arts.

The mission of International College Ltd is to work for the modernization of vocational and adult education in Bulgaria and to promote better understanding of the interconnections between the labor market and formal, non-formal, vocational, higher and other forms of education and learning.

International College Ltd. offers programs in 40 professions/80 majors in the fields of Economy, Tourism and Agriculture as well as courses for beginners and advanced learners in English, German and Spanish. The IC VET center is in the National Alliance of Licensed VET Centres and a member in a network of over 40 profit and non-profit legal entities, including the Business and Culture Center. International College Ltd. is a training provider for the Council of Ministers, Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, and State Agri Fund.

Since 2010 International College has been registered with the Bulgarian Employment Agency as a provider of vocational training services and training in key competencies for unemployed and employed individuals under the Human Resources Development Operational Programme and the support schemes “I can”, “Adaptability”, “Development”, “First Job”, “Support for Entrepreneurial Bulgarians”. Further, the VET Center at International College has been approved by the Maritime Administration Executive Agency of the Republic of Bulgaria as the only education institution in the country eligible to conduct training for the acquisition of an internationally recognized certificate of professional competence “Chief (Ship) Cook”.


3 Bulgaria str., 9300 Dobrich, Bulgaria


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ADRAT strives to promote the improvement of the living conditions of a region marked by rurality, stem the loss of population, promote and value the resources and potential and provide the people with higher levels of social and economic well-being, and to create wealth, raise the quality of life of the population, while preserving the specificities and cultural identity of the Alto Tâmega Region.

ADRAT's main activity is the promotion, coordination and dynamization of important projects for the Region, providing financing and skills to carry out the most diverse types of actions. The association seeks to make significant investments in basic infrastructure and in the areas of employment, culture, leisure and the environment. Moreover, ADRAT stimulates and carries out actions aimed at strengthening the ties of the Region with its people, its history and its culture.


Av. da Cooperação Parque Empresarial Edifício INDITRANS, Lote A1, nº 2 5400-673 Outeiro Seco - Chaves


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