A new opportunity for the future Chef’s further education: Culinary Science at Varna University of Management (Bulgaria)

15 September 2020 Blog 1205 Views

One of the main goals of the CULINART project is to seek for a pathway to further studies - out of the developed joint VET qualification for Chef - aligned with the career development prospects.

A new opportunity in this direction was recently provided by Varna University of Management (VUM) by launching a brand new bachelor degree in Culinary Science.

Culinary Science is an innovative educational program that blends knowledge and competences in three areas: 1) Food science and Technologies, 2) Culinary arts and 3) Business skills.

The curriculum for the new program was inspired by the CULINART project concept and designed by building upon the learning outcomes set out in the Chef qualification and developing further the scientific aspects in food preparation and the culinary processes.

This is alsready the third option provided by VUM for the CULINART joint qualification graduates’ to continue their education at tertiary level - together with the Gastronomy and Culinary Arts (3 years) and Hospitality and Culinary Arts (4 years) BA programs, also offered by the University (both available in English).

As of now the new Culinary Science Program is delivered only in Bulgarian language, but the University plans for making it accessible also for international students by offering it in English starting from the next year.


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